David S. Alavi, PhD
        Registered Patent Agent

Services Available

I am very good at grasping other's ideas and accurately conveying key principles and concepts, both in written and pictoral forms. This is the main reason I am able to provide patent application, patent drawing, patent searching, and technical writing services to my clients in an effective manner and at a reasonable cost.
Patent Applications
Preparation, filing, and prosecution of patent applications in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Complete patent application services may include: a patent search; preparation of the parts of the application, including patent drawings; filing of the application, along with the filing fees and supporting documents; and prosecution of the application as it is examined in the PTO.
Patent Drawings
Preparation of drawings suitable for submission to the PTO using computer-aided design (CAD) software and a laser printer.
Patent Searching
Novelty searching of the prior art. Both Internet-based and PTO-based searching.
Foreign Patent Applications
Preparation and filing of international patent applications. Assist in obtaining foreign patent counsel and act as liaison.
Technical Writing
Production of concise, accurate written disclosures of new devices, processes, articles of manufacture, chemical compounds or mixtures, biotechnology, computer hardware and software.
Services Not Available
I am not an attorney. I can prepare, file, and prosecute patent applications in the PTO, prepare patent drawings, and do patent searching in the course of helping you obtain a patent. However, I cannot assist you with legal or commercial matters concerning your patent or patent application. Such matters may include, but are not limited to: non-disclosure agreements, licensing agreements, assignments, contracts, infringement, or litigation. For services such as these, you should consult an attorney familiar with intellectual property law.

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