David S. Alavi, PhD
Registered Patent Agent

Technical Writing

I can produce concise, accurate written disclosures of devices, processes, articles of manufacture, chemical compounds or mixtures, biotechnology, computer hardware and software.

Key Benefits


Disclosures prepared for other patent attorneys/firms
If you already have a patent attorney or firm, it may be cost effective for you to use my services to prepare a disclosure of your invention, which would then be used by your attorney or firm as the basis for a patent application. I can frequently provide a more concise and accurate disclosure than someone with a less extensive technical background. The combination of fewer hours at a lower hourly rate can lead to significant cost reductions.
Manuals, brochures, articles, etc.
For technical disclosures of various types intended for a more general audience than those who generated the material, an "outside" perspective can often lead to more comprehensible (and hence useful) written disclosure.


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