David S. Alavi, PhD
Registered Patent Agent
Dennis K. Hore, Jennifer L. King, Fred G. Moore, David S. Alavi, Mathew Y. Hamamoto, and Geraldine L. Richmond, "Ti:Sapphire-Based Picosecond Visible-Infrared Sum-Frequency Spectroscopy from 900–3100 cm-1", Applied Spectroscopy, 58 1377-1384 (2004).
D. E. Gragson, B. X. McCarty, G. L. Richmond, and D. S. Alavi, "High power broadly tunable picosecond IR laser system for use in nonlinear spectroscopic applications", J. Opt. Soc. B, 13 2075-2083 (1996).D. E. Gragson, D. S. Alavi, and G. L. Richmond, "Tunable picosecond IR laser system based on parametric amplification in KTP using a Ti:Sapphire amplifier", Opt. Lett. 20 1991-1993 (1995).
D. S. Alavi and D. H. Waldeck, "Dielectric continuum models of solute/solvent interactions", Ultrafast Dynamics of Chemical Systems, edited by J. D. Simon (Kluwer, The Netherlands, 1994), pp. 249-265.
R. S. Hartman, D. S. Alavi, and D. H. Waldeck, "Elucidating the molecular origin of solute/solvent friction", Israel J. Chem. 33 157-166 (1993).
D. S. Alavi and D. H. Waldeck, "Time resolution limits for two color pump/probe spectroscopy", Rev. Sci. Inst. 63 2913-2921 (1992).
D. S. Alavi, R. S. Hartman, and D. H. Waldeck, "The influence of wavevector dependent dielectric properties on rotational friction. Rotational diffusion of phenoxazine dyes", J. Chem. Phys. 95 6770-6783 (1991); 98 3585 (1993).
R. S. Hartman, D. S. Alavi, and D. H. Waldeck, "An experimental test of dielectric friction models using the rotational diffusion of aminoanthraquinones", J. Phys. Chem. 95 7872-7880 (1991).
D. S. Alavi and D. H. Waldeck, "A test of hydrodynamics in binary solvent systems. Rotational diffusion studies of oxazine 118", J. Phys. Chem. 95 4848-4852 (1991).
D. S. Alavi and D. H. Waldeck, "Rotational dielectric friction on a generalized charge distribution", J. Chem. Phys. 94 6196-6202 (1991); 98 3585 (1993).
D. S. Alavi, R. S. Hartman, and D. H. Waldeck, "A test of continuum models for dielectric friction. Rotational diffusion of phenoxazine dyes in dimethylsulfoxide", J. Chem. Phys. 94 4509-4520 (1991).
D. S. Alavi, R. S. Hartman, and D. H. Waldeck, "Rotational diffusion of phenoxazine dyes: characterization of molecular friction", Ultrafast Phenomena VII, edited by C. B. Harris, E. Ippen, G. A. Mourou and A. H. Zewail (Springer, Berlin, 1990), pp. 450-452.
D. S. Alavi, R. S. Hartman, and D. H. Waldeck,
"Optically heterodyned polarization spectroscopy. Measurement of the orientational
correlation function", J. Chem. Phys. 92 4055-4066 (1990).
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